Tree Management Plans

Most park managers could answer how many staff they are responsible for. How many can answer how many trees they are responsible for? If you don’t know what you are managing, then how can you manage?

Tree Management Plans (TMP) are researched, documented and created to provide a long term strategic document that can guide an owner of a tree population’s tree management and maintenance practises for years to come. A TMP will analyse tree data collected (a tree inventory), outline selection of management objectives and include the development of management plans to achieve these objectives.

Owners or appointed managers of property have a duty of care to provide a safe environment for staff and the general public. Moore Trees understands the importance of implementing an accountable and defensible Tree Management Plan and Tree inspection system.

Moore Trees has developed the Tree Inspection System (TIS). The TIS includes a tree inventory that is a collection of tree related data which will be correlated to help create work schedules, allocate budget resources and ensure that a systematic removal and replacement program is in place. The TIS has been developed by Moore Trees and can be adapted and customised to suit individual projects so that you are not collecting and storing unnecessary data. A risk assessment matrix is applied to each tree with high risk trees prioritized for review. By having a programmed work schedule, the work can be undertaken in a proactive rather than reactive way. The client can then use the work schedule to brief and engage a contractor of their choice to undertake the work specified.  The TIS information is also used to keep a documented record of the work inspected and completed.

Call or email Moore Trees to discuss a Tree Management Plan and Tree Inspection System for your property.